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Something Eerie in Elk Rapids, Michigan July 19, 2009

Posted by lightnessanddark in Original Short Fiction, Writing Life.
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I thought I was a fiction writer, but now I’m not so sure.  The story I’m about to tell is true, but even I have to admit, it sounds like fiction.

For over two years, I have been working on a novel set in Northern Michigan called “Noble Manor”.  Here is the unedited opening of the novel… 


At the end of a winding dirt road, behind Pine, Oak and Beach trees, sat Noble Manor, a house which had belonged to the descendents of Edwin Noble for 150 years.  Well built, the house endured for years the seasons of storms which rushed in over northern Lake Michigan, often without warning.  The house strained and groaned on its foundation, but it always stood firm against the wind and rain, keeping its occupants safe.

Noble Manor, with a wrap around porch and a rounded spire in front, was the only house of its kind in an area of farmhouses, modular homes and later large summer cottages built along White Pine Lake.  A beautiful house, it should have been admired by all who saw it, but set back discreetly in its woods, away from city streets, the house and its inhabitants were isolated.

Maybe the first two paragraphs aren’t the pinnacle of American fiction, but I share them now in order to tell you what happened to me while I was on vacation last week.  The things to note about Noble Manor are that it was built 150 years ago near northern Lake Michigan by a man named Edwin Noble.  Each of these details was from my imagination… or so I thought.

For our vacation my family camped in East Jordan, Michigan, on the South Arm of Lake Charlevoix in the northwestern corner of the lower peninsula.  I always enjoy this annual trip Up North.  I like the proximity to Lake Michigan and the overall vacation feel of the area.  This is also the basic setting of Noble Manor as well as my short story, “The Kid From The Other Side.”

This year, my wife’s aunt suggested we drive over to Elk Rapids, Michigan, a Lake Michigan coastal town about 45 minutes or so from East Jordan. 

Now, I’d never been to Elk Rapids, and I knew nothing about the town.  Our plan was just to go to the beach and also ride a “rapids area” that emptied out into the lake.  It was at this rapids area where I came across this historical sign for The Island House.


I found this extremely eerie, since the fictional Noble Manor and the historical Island House in Elk Rapids were both built by a man named Edwin Noble, in Northern Michigan, near Lake Michigan, about 150 years ago.  In my story, the house is a beautiful Victorian, while The Island House is better described as an 1860’s country home.  Still, I can’t describe what I felt when I stood in front of this sign.  I had to drag my wife over to look at it.

My plan at this point is to tweak the history in my novel, possibly referencing the real Edwin Noble, but attributing Noble Manor to a fictional cousin who I’ll be very careful to make sure never really existed.

Does anyone else find this story as weird as I do?  Do you have a similar story to share?  Either way, please post a comment.


1. Keith Estes - July 19, 2009

Hey Bill,
Yah, Pretty weird! Are you sure you didn’t drive through the area as a kid, banquished to the back seat of the family station wagon, forced to peer out longingly at the distant attractions as they blurred by?!
Just wondered 😉 Thanks for sharing your discovery. I hope that you guys had a great time up there.

Have a good week Brother. Keith

2. Danielle Alward - July 20, 2009

That is WEIRD! I got goose bumps and my eyes watered….Cant wait to read the rest of it!

3. Dad - July 20, 2009

We have never had you kids up to Elk Rapids. Maybe Ray?
Have you ever read about it in your past that you might not remember?

4. lightnessanddark - July 20, 2009

I was pretty sure I’d never been to Elk Rapids before, and although Edwin Noble is at least somewhat famous (at least in Elk Rapids), I know I haven’t read about him anywhere but in my own writing.

5. Melissa - July 21, 2009

Keith’s post is a little too close to home…’banquished to the back seat of the family wagon, forced to peer out longingly at the distant attractions as their blurred by’ is a little too close to reality!! Was he THERE as we were smuggled across the Canadian border??!! THAT’s freaky!!

Just kidding, this is WILD! Maybe you have a gift you know nothing about?? Can’t put Him in a box!

6. Phillip Haldaman - March 13, 2017


Have you been to the other ‘Noble Manor’? It’s only a few blocks from this sign. It is also a Victorian designed-home that the Nobles lived in…and is currently for sale. Some claim it’s haunted; it’s not been lived in in a long time. I spent quite a bit of time there yesterday. While I don’t sense any ghosts hanging around the property, there is a very tender feeling about the old manor; it just needs a lot of love and care to bring it back…not unlike people. You can find it on-line at “705 W. Ottawa St., Elk Rapids, MI.”


lightnessanddark - March 13, 2017


Thanks for calling this house to my attention. I just googled it. Very cool. I especially liked seeing the pictures of the interior.

Still working on the novel too, by the way. It’s just taking forever because I only get back to it every now and then. Last year, I did write a short story, “The Mistress of the Woods” which is Noble Manor related (backstory). Unfortunately, short stories are much harder to sell than novels. Thanks again for the comment/info!

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